Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thinking of getting Kickstarted

Well I was think of trying kickstarters a bit back but at the time it was US only, That change now but I'm still not sure if I should or not?

I do need to find some funds and it would help out on that, and with being sick it delayed everything I had hope to have my first one out by now.

One or two other thing to cover be for I can publish apart from it not being done yet, I'm not too sure what I could give as a pledge other then names in credits and the game itself but I was aiming for a low price, And unsure how Apple are on devs give copy of games? anyone know let me know ill have to try and found out myself.
(update Ok Looking into apple guide lines and stuff found the part about Promo Codes so look like it be ok)

so anyway they you go let me know what you think?

Monday, 22 October 2012

Proof got some work done

Proof got some work done XD and back up and running *touchs wood* apart from being sick :s

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Getting Back On Track

The Level im working on right now trying to get all colour right and things. I’am now slowly getting back on track.